Late Sunday afternoon
I am seriously tired and my house looks like it’s been descended upon by rabid animal liberationists. The days of being able to put my life into a single backpack are long gone, it seems, as are the intervening years of being able to put it into the back of my car. Suddenly I have fridges, washing machines, coffee tables, TV units, bookcases, beds, bookcases, oh and then there’s my bookcases. Suddenly I’m doing inventories and insurance declarations and for the first time considering if I really need that sheet music from highschool band or the birthday card from that person I don’t even remember.
Yes, I’m a hoarder: guilty as charged. I’m thinking I might even throw out that love letter from my Year 9 boyfriend with all the spelling and grammar corrected and a mark of 2 out of 10 (I chickened out of sending it…I’m too nice). Oh, and I do still have that letter (also from Year 9, I think) with the declaration of undying love and the letters N O and T in various words underlined throughout (you know who you are). I laughed too much reading it this afternoon to chuck it.
So as my necessary trip down memory lane continues, I’m putting in one of my favourite photos of LRD. This was taken in Prizren in 2001 right down the road from a KFOR-protected mosque. Considering how tense everything was in Kosova at the time, you can imagine what a fruitcake I looked taking it. But a tradition is a tradition goddamn it.