Well ok, so I'm busy and LRD is still sitting on the bookcase refusing to remove his patch and earring and using his one eye to leer at Amelia; a Victorian-era China doll in a sensible brown dress, bonnet and lace-up black boots. I got Amelia when I was 8 and within a few years found her boring but because she's beautifully-made I could never bring myself to get rid of her. Now she's trying to hide in the bookcase while Dave drinks rum and tries to make passes at her.
I think I read that romance novel once.
What was the point of this post?
I haven't been updating this blog lately and this will continue for the next few weeks. Uni is at that point in the Semester when I actually do have to do some work and I have a new job that required a lot more...well, work. and so LRD will be AWOL for a little while. Once I kick this qualification into shape and get my new job under my belt I will be back, baby.
To keep you entertained until then, here's some shots of LRD in India with his friend Little M. As you can see, LRD's days of debauchery started many moons ago. Ah, Little M, LRD misses you. Where are you now?