But none of that matters today because it is Easter Sunday and I'm a little sad. This year, I didn't do my mad dash home for Easter as I set aside this time to see the Top End. That's right. I put aside the study books, the familial responsibilities and the Trepang Farming (long story regarding the only Uni assignment I've ever written that involves the word "penis" and not in a metaphorical, semiotic, feminist-studies way) and hit Kakadu.
I spent Good Friday and yesterday touring around in 40 degree heat with a mere 90% humidity and got to see the top three on my Kakadu hit list, Ubirr, Nourlangie and Yellow Waters, and some other stuff as well.
I have a load of photos so I'm going to divide this post up into separate pieces. Thankfully, I'm not sunburnt and exhausted this morning, like I was when in Katherine, so I intend to produce complete sentences, spell words correctly and not generally babble incoherently.

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