Monday, July 28, 2008

Life is like a gift they say, wrapped up for you everyday

Yes, it has been a month of somewhat ordinary miracles as the reality of my hectic schedule for the next 6 months starts to really sink in. Uni has started back again and I have to do a remarkably boring managerial course for work, although this has meant three trips to Brisbane in the next few months. Yay for work-related travel.

I have, however, managed a few touristy things: a few trips to Mindel, dinner at Pee Wee's (by far the best restaurant in Darwin and something you have to book about a month in advance this time of year) and a day trip to Mandorah.

Mandorah is a small community just across the Harbour from Darwin City and, according to my guide book, is a good place to go for lunch by the sea. It wasn't the most exciting outing but the boat ride was nice, even if I still couldn't find the promised fairy.

I fear my blogging will be somewhat sporadic over the next few months as I once again knuckle down to three subjects. Please read through the arhive and feel free to comment.

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