Sunday, April 25, 2010

The adventures of the owner of LRD: aka that slack bastard

So, where have I been the last few months? I did the worse thing anyone can do when it comes to making time for travelling or blogging - I took a promotion at work. I've also been exploring both my creative side and my nerd side by engaging in an activity that the writer of a travel and lifestyle blog should never ever admit. Those who know me are aware. Those who don't can remain oblivious of my extraordinary geekiness, thank you very much.

Needless to say, I've been slack on the blogging front but hopefully this will change over the next few months. The wet season has come and gone, my ankle has healed, I'm still in Darwin (!) and it's just about time for the fun of the dry season to begin.

LRD and I have three challenges over the next few months. I will be giving updates on some of these challenges so as to keep me honest.

Challenge 1: Be more blogworthy. Now the dry season is coming, I make a commitment to hit the road and enjoy living in the NT more. This challenge is easy to monitor and report upon: it means more blog posts.

Challenge 2: Remember Dave. Another one that's easy to prove. Poor Dave keeps getting relegated to the bookcase in his own country but no more! Photos of Dave out and above are proof of my response to this challenge.

Challenge 3: Get fit and lose weight. Since I did my ankle last year (it took about two months to heal) and then got a new job, I have almost completely stopped exercising and, like most people over thirty who do this, my weight has gotten out of control and I've lost nearly all my fitness. This is not some tweezy weight loss journal and I despise a culture that tells us to be thin for thin's sake. But I am not fit enough, nor do I any long have the energy, to do the things I enjoy doing. This is about being fit and healthy and the weight is the first thing I have to shift to get back into shape. I don't have to lose much (about ten kilos) but I start now. I'll keep you informed (that's exciting, I hear my readers say with extreme sarcasm).

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