Sunday, April 24, 2011

It's not lazing, it's a hiatus for my mental health

It's a gorgeous day today. Hot and bright and clear. I went for my early morning swim and then relaxed on the balcony having a cup of tea or two. Then I wandered up to the restaurant for my breakfast of eggs, fruit and tea and am sitting here blogging with another cup of tea... or three. I'm officially relaxed and, as this is my last day, I've decided to do, well, very little.

I might take the shuttle up to the palace a little later and take some photos. Maybe a facial? An afternoon swim. And then to dinner somewhere nice before packing my bags and winging my way home. I paid for the room for tonight and I'm glad I did as it means I can just relax and take my time, before going to the airport around 8:30 tonight.

Bye bye Bali. You've been great. New job next week and now I think I'm mentally prepared for it.

Photo: Little Red Dave relaxing outside my room in Agung Raka

Photo: Little Red Dave relaxing by the pool at Agung Raka

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