Saturday, February 25, 2012

Villages floating on the water's edge

For some reason I had a slow start this morning. Can't imagine why. Breakfast was a very small piece of toast and tea. Couldn't manage more for some reason. Then I waved goodbye to everyone and headed off on a tour of the floating villages of Tonle Sap Lake.

Tonle Sap is the largest freshwater lake in south-east Asia. According to Wikipedia, the Tonle Sap is unusual for two reasons: its flow changes direction twice a year, and the portion that forms the lake expands and shrinks dramatically with the seasons.

The floating villages I saw are from Vietnamese and Cham communities and were certainly interesting but not mind blowing. A nice half day outing on a day when I was feeling particularly low. You know, for no particular reason.

Photos: Floating Villages

And that's it for Cambodia. Farewell. I now have just over a week on the Peninsula by myself before joining a three-week Intrepid tour of Borneo. Can't wait. Just give me an hour to two, 'kay....

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