Sunday, February 22, 2009

I have been touched by his noodly appendange

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was 'ARRRRGH!' - PIRATICUS 13:7

After much philosophical discussion and existential angst revolving around whether LRD actually existed despite being an inanimate albeit anthropomorphised being and ultimate questions about "what is it all about anyway?" and "how many times can I use the 42 joke before it stops being hilarious?" Little Red Dave and I have found religion, and have converted to Pastafarianism. Yes, we are now devout followers of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

I was attracted by its witty lampooning of the sheer idiocy that is Intelligent Design; LRD's in it for the pirate outfit, beer volcano and stripper factory.

We have been touched by his noodly appendage and are now prepared to spread the word...and the word is ARRRRGH!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Dave Files: India

So, it's suddenly late February and LRD keeps reminding me that apparently there was Christmas in there somewhere as well. I have photos. One day I'll remember to do something with them. I got the blasted wisdom teeth removed (classic was the look on the surgeon's face when I told here I was in LESS pain post-op than pre-op) and finished my summer semester subject; that took far more effort than it should have.

And now a shot from the Dave files. How to start with India? Insane, vibrant, colourful, stressful, filthy, fascinating India. LRD actually found a friend in India, a little monkey named Little M (his owner had the same capacity for naming stuff as I obviously do) and so I have lots of photos of the two enjoying a sunset or 18 bottles of rum. Of course, if you go to India the must is the Taj Mahal. I spent a glorious afternoon of perfect weather inside the breathtaking monument and a morning of Agra smog across the river from it with Dave. The photo is below.