Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Killing Fields: Choeung Ek Genocidal Centre

"In proportion to its population, Cambodia underwent a human catastrophe unparalleled in this century. Out of a 1970 population of probably near 7,100,0001 Cambodia probably lost slightly less than 4,000,000 people to war, rebellion, man-made famine, genocide, politicide, and mass murder. The vast majority, almost 3,300,000 men, women, and children (including 35,000 foreigners), were murdered within the years 1970 to 1980 by successive governments and guerrilla groups. Most of these, a likely near 2,400,000, were murdered by the communist Khmer Rouge."

After overthrowing the Khmer Republic regime during 1975-1979, Ultra communist Khmer Rouge Regime (UCKRR) converted Choeung Ek commune into the most cruel and barbaric killing field on earth. Choeung Ek killing field was the second most important part of the larger Security Prison called S-21 center which included the detention, torture and interrogation center (Toul Sleng Prison), the first main headquarters.

Photo: The beautiful site of cruelty
Photo: This tree was used to smash babies heads in
Photo: Please don't walk on the mass graves
Photo: Some respect at last in the memorial stupa

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