Saturday, October 13, 2007

Should Mackerel be $150 per fish?

Second day in Paradise and the soundtrack of my life is Blister in the Sun by the Violent Femmes. And yes, this is because of the sunburn although how anyone can get burnt with 30+ sunscreen lathered two inches thick all over their body is beyond me. I’ve also been joltered and jarred so much that I’m still trying to remove my coccyx from my throat. The Corona helps. Maybe not the best thing with the dehydration. Hell, I’m on holidays so I’ll have my nap early.

The reason for the jolting, jarring and burning was the frustrating fishing trip we went on this morning. We got the worst morning for fishing in the history of fishing mornings. Overcast, windy and rough. The fish were nowhere. Ten minutes in, Jen (my sister-in-law) and my two niecies piked and went ashore. I don’t blame them. Rick and I stayed for the full five hours, caught only one mackerel and got tossed about so much in the small boat we couldn’t walk the next day. $75 per person, which caused Rick to comment that it was the most expensive mackerel ever.

Still, we’ve gotten into such a routine on the Island that it was nice to do something a bit different and the baked Mackerel was delicious.

Photo: Me, fishing. Rare moment of actually putting in a photo of myself. The bruises are because my family keeps beating me up ;-)

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